Where do we start. We spent a few days in brunei visiting the Fuller/Walker
family while we adjusted to the heat and humidity there. One day we took a boat ride to the water village, the whole village is built on stilts. We also saw proboscis monkeys swinging in the trees, they have very long noses. We saw the Sultan's palace. Everyone has flash cars and big houses. Most of the women wear colourful Burkas. We loved walking into buildings with air conditioning. People were wearing jeans and sweatshirts!!!
It was Johanna's Birthday on the Seventh and we had pancakes and birthday cake. That night we flew to Kota Kinabalau, Malaysia. We spent four hours in the airport then flew to Kuala Lumpa, Malaysia - there we slept on the floor. It was hot, we were tired, dehydrated and hungry, We couldn't exchange any money. All the food looked 'interesting', Because our third flight was rescheduled we spent 17 hours in the airport. Dad got a meal on the flight to Vientiene, Laos (which Mum accidently clicked on when she booked the tickets). In Vietiene we stayed in a nice guest house (Air Conditioned). It was late we were still tired and the food still looked 'interesting'. We ended up eating in a sort of Asian Pizza Hut, it was good. We managed to exchange some money. We were all confused with the money, $1US is $10,000Kip. Mum's wallet looks pretty thick!
The next day we took a Minibus to Vang Vieng. We had a little language problem. Mum thought the ride was $80,000Kip for us all ($8US) But it was $80,000Kip each. We knew it was too good to be true. We did a little bartering. Our driver was crazy! People are supposed to drive on the right but we did get here
We are staying at the 'Elephant crossing' in Vang Vieng right on the Nam Xong river, we walked around town and soaked up the atmosphere, us kids just had banana pancakes from a street stall and Mum and Dad are trying some 'interesting' food for tea. We're glad we aren't the Guinea Pigs.
Some of us are missing home but we are just going with the flow.
The 5 Little Nieuwys
Happy Birthday Johanna from sunny Florida, USA.!! It is so exciting to follow your trip.
Your friend always,
Sounds like a fantastic trip so far. How are you all getting on now?
hi hannah rawnsley here i hope you having a great time i am really missing you madeleine and i look foward to seeing you next year
We are missing you all too but remember that this a one huge experience that you are all sharing together and we will be here when you get back.
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