Thursday, July 15, 2010

Volendam- Football and Plenty of Cheese

On the day of the World Cup final we ended up at a cheese factory and clog shop near Volendam. The factory tour was very quick and basic which was disapointing but we were all very pleased with the sampling of all the diiferent types. I think our favourite was the smoked cheese, but we ended up leaving with a 2 year old crumbly Guda which had a strong natural favour. Dad managed to find a cheese knife which will be perfect for in New Zealand chopping up our cheese.
In the evening we walked into town via the cycle path which took us pasted the farms and a big old dutch windmill. The town was very modern and had a large marine filed with sailing boats. We found a very busy bar filled with orange dutchies all ready to watch the big game. It was so packed that we had to stand and sit at the back and so most of us couldn't see the full projector screen. We all enjoyed the game and enjoyed it when the supporters would shout at the screen voicing their opposition to the penalties given to spain. When spain eventually scored the bar went very quiet and tense when the game finished we were the only ones left with the waitresses to watch the award ceremony because all the suporters had sulked out and off home. The next day the locals didn't seem as cheerful as usually but it was cool to see on tv that they made a big parade to welcome their team home and congraulate them for their efforts and achievements.

Hup Holland Hup
Go Hooland Go



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