Our first view of the Kinderdijk was spectacular, nineteen classic old Dutch windmills scattered on the flat landscape. We walked along the reservoir learning all about the unique water management system. The stone octagonal windmills with thatched roofs were (before they made electronic pumps) used to turn scoop water wheels. The waterwheels carried the water that had been drained off the land up from the lower reservoir to the higher reservoir. It then drained from the higher reservoir into the river Lek. Millers and there families worked and lived in the windmills. The miller had to make sure the water level was maintained at the right height. He had to rotate the windmills to the angle so the windmills sails best caught the wind. Can you imagine our family living in a windmill. We enjoyed walking along side the stationary windmills in the sunshine. We crossed over the reservoir and back thorough town to the camper. It was a interesting history lesson you would not (because of the sea level) have in New Zealand.
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