Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas with Sharon

 We drove to one of the beaches (by Bordeira) we would have stayed at if we haven’t spent the three days at Praia da Cordoama beach near Vila de Bespo. We had lunch and walked on some of the boardwalks looking over the cliffs and dunes. We drove to Aljezur then following Sharon’s instructions we went to the town of Vale de Telha past the Hotel and Karisma-the local bar. We parked opposite the house and Sharon came out with her dog-Rosie. We walked up the steps and into Sharon’s two bedroom house. Sharon is a good friend of our Auntie Debbie and Auntie Chris and went to Sydney with Mum and Dad in 2008. Us Children had never really met Sharon so we got to know her. And we really like her, she’s kind, generous, bubbly and special like our Aunty Debbie and Chris. We’re glad to be having Christmas in a house especially Sharon’s. William cooked us Pasta and Mushrooms and for the first time in 6 months the dishwasher did the dishes.

The next day we watched movies and went in the Hot tub. It wasn’t a nice day outside and we dared each other to go in the cold pool which was only 15 degrees and like ice. Sharon told us stories about her travelling the world, working in London and her friends that are coming for Christmas dinner. Sharon’s dog - Rosie was from the SPCA and afraid to see so many people in her house, she got more used to us while we were there. Sharon is also looking after the neighbours dog- Scotty. Thomas spent a long time in the Garage painting Jewellery boxes for Sharon and Maddy though they didn’t know this at the time. There is a nice view of a small lake from the hill Sharon is on and when the clouds go you can see some mountains. Mum and Dad slept in the spare room and we got to spread out a bit in the camper. We liked having some of the luxuries you don’t have while travelling like unlimited hot showers and clean clothes and space! Mum, Dad and Sharon went to the Karisma bar a short walk and we had the house to ourselves and we watched more movies.

Christmas eve was Dad’s birthday. Sharon started preparing some of the food for the Christmas feast and Mum and Dad wrapped there presents. We went back in the Hot tub with wine glasses and water. Sharon, Mum and Dad went back to the Karisma. We had Lasanga and watched ‘Miss Potter’. Nanny and Pa called us and it was nice to hear their voices, the connection sounded like Morse code

Christmas day we got up a 8o’clock and didn’t wait as long to open presents as we usually do. Auntie Debbie ad Ernie rang and we got to talk. We put pillow cases up with Sharon last night and Santa had filled them with lots of Chocolate. We spent two hours unwrapping the little two Euro gifts we had bought/made for each other and Sharon. We had lots of fun especially trying to open boxes and triple-wrapped presents.

We went down to the beach at 11o’clock for one of Sharon’s traditions-champagne and a walk on the beach. The river was swollen so we couldn’t cross to the big side of the beach. There were lots of English people that had moved out from the UK and it was nice meeting them. Some of them went for a cold paddle in the waves.

We then had to start preparing veges and things for dinner. The girls went upstairs to count and swap lollies, chocolates and toys. Thomas and Sharon had fun making Christmas mince pies and Yorkshire puddings which we haven’t had before in NZ. ‘The Boy’s‘- Keith, Dave and Mark are Sharon’s friends (who also moved here from the UK), came round for dinner and it was nice meeting them. We had a wonderful English feast from Sharon-two turkeys and a ham, broccoli, brussel sprouts, roast potatoes, parsnip, Yorkshire puddings, stuffing, gravy, Christmas pudding, custard and Christmas mince pies. It was extra special because a lot of these things are difficult to get in Portugal and we probably wouldn’t have had the same if we were just in the camper. Johanna raided Sharon’s wardrobe and tried on all her shoes and put on a fashion show.

On Boxing day we just relaxed and had soup and Christmas cake. We started eating our chocolates and watched movies. Thomas spent all day catching up on the blog. We all watched Avatar again.

Thank you Sharon for sharing Christmas with us. We’ll never forget the awesome time we had and would love you to come back to NZ again sometime.


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Quebec. Good Luck for the rest of your ordeal.
Claude and Madeleine

Anonymous said...

Hello my dear friends,
Looks like a very nice X-mas at Sharon, but who is she??
We are now in the snow in holland, Thursday we are flying back to Mexico.
love the dutchies

Anonymous said...

Hi Team, what a fantastic Christmas! Great Blog Thomas! Its awesome being able to read all your adventures.
Flossie and I went carol singing on Xmas eve, but because it was so cold the vicar decamped to the pub! Best carol singing service I have been too!

Fiona and Flossie XXX

Anonymous said...

Hi you-all,great Christmas you have had,but a bit cold and a Happy New Year to all, enjoy your blogs .We are traveling for a few days Coromandel way in our 1970s Bedford camper.Safe travels Peter & Jeanette

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